Well,I guess it has been a while since my last post.
I wish there would be something really exciting to tell but we are just doing every day stuff and it is just so busy!
Katie is now going to school Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday and since then I feel like all I do is sit in the car. Now I know what people were always talking about.It is quite an adjustment.
We do love our house and our neighborhood. I found some friends already that mean a lot to me. (I guess that is one thing in the military I love. We all know we don't have a lot of time so you become instant friends. It just makes you feel so good and a little like home!
Daven just started soccer and he is really enjoying it.I'm always amazed to see how they change from year to year... They are getting so big!
Timmy loves school and has some fiends he gets to see after school which is great for him. He needs to let go of Daven a little.
Katie is so cute lately. The things she says are just too cute. Yesterday she found a ladybug at the pool and after everybody touching (and Squeezing )it,it didn't do so well (the ladies from Leavenworth know how I feel about that :)). Needless to say,we had to take the dead(yes it didn't make it) ladybug home and put in a pale so it could sleep a little.All Katie said crying hysterical was"I'm so worried about my ladybug ,Mom". It broke my heart!
Well,after not thinking of the bug all day she decided to check on him today in the late after noon. She picked him up - and oh no- the head fell of. Katie started screaming running up to me. Luckily I was cooking so I send her to Daddy and said that he might be able to help. After a lot of tears and trying to get this tiny head back on our little friend Mike finally got Katie to agree to send him back home to his Mom-bye bye little bug :)
Katie is in love with every bug and animal she sees and we always have drama when we can't take them all home. Must be a girl thing!
Mike is not feeling good the last couple of days. He has a fever and strep. That's the last thing I need in this house!
When I was gone last weekend Mike called me on Friday and Katie had the stomach bug. She couldn't keep anything down and I felt so bad that I wasn't there-but he managed and guess what-that's what happens to military wives all the time.
Well that's it for now I hope I can catch up a little.