Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas went so fast!

Well, I have to keep up with all this craziness. We had a wonderful Christmas. Christmas Eve we had our friend over and had a really relaxed nice evening ( minus some whining here and there-you gotta love it!)
Christmas day was all around just perfect. The boys slept until 7.00 a.m and were just so excited that Santa came. There were days in our house we weren't so sure if he would show up or not.
They waited patiently until almost 8 a.m to wake up Daddy and Katie. They loved all their gifts and started playing right away. Little did they know that Santa brought the Wii! Daven has been asking for the Wii forever and it seems to be a great system. We held it back until lunch time and started pulling it out whenever the boys were upstairs.We wanted to start playing and have Daven walk in on us but our plan didn't work so great. Mike had the remotes in his hand just as Daven came running down. He sat on them but something was ticking out. If you know Daven then you know that you can't hide anything. He saw the remote pulled it out and started the happy dance! It was so cute! Needless to say that from that point on ALL my boys were glued to the TV and the wii. We had a great time and got a lot of exercise that day.