Monday, November 3, 2008

Time for update!

Well, since it is 9.30 p.m and Katie is still up for some reason I guess this would be a good time to put up some new pictures of us. I'm really tired lately and it just seems like things are never ending. One example is laundry. No matter how many loads I do a day it just never ends. I don't know about you but it bothers me and I can't figure out how to win this battle.
The days are going by way too fast. It seems like we have no together time. One of the kids always has something and on top of that we really don't see a lot of Mike. I know that we are lucky that he is not deployed right now but it seems like we are not spending enough time together.
On Saturday we will be going to see Disney on Ice and I can't wait. I'm sure the kids will have a great time.