Thursday, October 30, 2008

What a crazy time!

This is just a quick "Hello" since I need to be better about updating the blog.We are so busy right now it just seems like there is no time for anything but going to some kind of sports,Halloween parties and cleaning.
The kids are all doing great.
Daven gets to have a lunch with the principal tomorrow because he is doing so great in school. I'm so proud of him and he has been working really hard. I'm so glad hat the teachers can see this in school.
Timmy loves going to karate two times a week. It teaches him a lot of discipline and self confidence.He got two stars the other day. One for a great week at school and one for doing his homework (they had to color a picture with all the belt colours and practise the number 10. It is so good to see him enjoying HIS special time.
Katie loves her dance class and she is just a happy camper. She is so funny and the things she says,...! One funny thing she did yesterday when we went to one of the biggest Halloween functions I have ever seen (pictures will come soon).
Katie was standing next to me and my friend Cathy holding her tummy and laughing out loud for about two minutes until we asked what is so funny she said "listen to this cow mommy it sounds just like a sheep! Cracking up some more. Well,... it was a sheep! Cathy and I couldn't stop laughing for a while. She is just so silly.
I will be putting some pictures up soon