Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

We had Irish eyes smiling today! Its hard to believe its St. Patrick's Day, you wouldn't know it around Kansas. Well the Sullivans did their part to make sure no one forgot! The day started with Mike waking up Daven with his bagpipes...and half the building heard them! He then played outside for the kids going to school. Everyone in the family had their green on today and Mike played in SAMS! Afterward, Mike again played as the kids came home, in pouring rain to boot! And now its time to settle down to a nice cold Guinness.

Its hard to believe a year ago today Mike was in Iraq on St. Patrick's day for the 2nd time. We're so thankful to be together as a family for another holiday...and its a fun holiday at that! We know St. Paddy's day is a HUGE deal in Savannah, the 2d largest parade in the country behind NYC. So next year we're sure will be another great day to be Irish...even if its for a day!